At this very moment, not one but two giant three piece pots are drying slowly under plastic at the pottery studio. One is a true success, the other came up lop-sided and looks a bit hilarious, but a handle or some other distraction should re-balance it. All will be revealed on Tuesday morning when I next vi
Other exciting pottery news includes putting these buttons in for firing They are made with porcelain, Connie has some bright underglaze colours I can use on the surface, I should really plan what I want them to look like... I do enjoy the rough shapes of these buttons, which I cut from various sized logs of clay, but the inconsistency of the shapes and the clay (airbubbles!) only added to the tedious task leaving me wondering if this is the way you should make buttons? I really don't know, I just thought any textile freak with the means to make ceramics MUST make some buttons. I have had a severe craving for a cloth covered button machine for a while now, so I am hoping this is a practical fix. Anyway, the po
Obviously the round ones, more specifically the round one in the middle is what I was after, but how cute are letter magnets and animal badges??? will let you know when it happens (slowcraft).
I kind of finished the top, But as you can see those edges were in fact not resolved, just stitched down with hope.. Its not going to be everyday wear, maybe when it gets hot? It looks cute pinched at the waist with skinny belt too.
In the hunt for a new flatmate its time to glamourize the house a little (obviously cleaning will go a long way but its very boring) so I made a display shelf for a few pots to look pretty on instead.
Yes its an old ladder painted black.
And, the most exciting ebay package arrived yesterday....2kg of leather all the colours are amazing and only two bits are too shiny for my taste. An absolute bargain (always good for those of us with only
Also was chuffed to be invited to join madeit group on flickr, I dont have anything to sell yet, but its nice to have the contact - I wasnt sure if I should tell them I'm from New Zealand! If I'm ok being Australian, Australian crafters will accept me as their own right?
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